Biggest mistakes of 2013
- Waiting too long to start projects.
- Spending too much time on things that don’t have the best ROI.
- Trying to find an audience after building a project.
Biggest Accomplishments of 2013
- Becoming a MicroPreneur lifetime member.
- Launched an online community for the parents of autistic children
- Developed 4 mobile games.
- Started blogging regularly.
- Started an email list.
- Started a an email marketing campaign.
- Attending MicroConf Europe and visiting Europe.
Goals for 2014
- Take action faster by targeting experiments in areas of existing expertise and resources that take less time research.
- Reduce number of distractions (Unsubscribe to useless email, consume less news content and more actionable content)
- Write an e-book on business process. By the end of 1Q
- Increase mastermind group meetings.(2 Per Month)
- Create a premium WordPress plugin. By the end of 1Q
- Increase product profit to 10k per month.
Completed Task for 2014
- Put resource in place to manage existing web asset.
- Put resource in place to manage existing Mobile game assets.