Honored to have been asked to speak at the DC Business Bloggers Meetup May 22, 2017.
Speaking at WordPress DC Meetup
Honored to have been invited to speak at Chief Agency – WordPress DC Meetup – February 2017 Great talking to the diverse group of attendees. Freelancers, bloggers, agencies and business owners. https://www.meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/237430410/ Slides
Breaking out of the slump
I had consistently written on a regular basis for more than twelve months. Pretty good right? This lead to discovering opportunities to learn more about helping people, building products and services. Those being objectives of mine makes that also good right? The challenge that I find now is continuing to write consistently because I am focused on… Continue reading Breaking out of the slump
How the micropreneur academy showed me another way
I was looking through some old post and found a draft from a few years back. I started writing this post in February 2013 about the experiences that led me on a journey which has led to bootstrapping several products and a service today. Everything that follows was written on February 21, 2013 with some… Continue reading How the micropreneur academy showed me another way
Do not under estimate the power of you
It’s all about you. Yes, despite what you may feel about not making yourself the center of attention because of what society tells us. We hear all the time that we should not beat our own drum but I am telling you that it’s ok to do so. What I am telling you is that this… Continue reading Do not under estimate the power of you