
How to use the step by step plugin for WordPress
Learn how to create a guide that contains step-by-step instructions using the step-by-step plugin for WordPress.

Version 2.0Learn how to create a guide that contains step-by-step instructions using the step-by-step plugin for WordPress. Version 2.0

Step 1

Following the installation of the plugin, click the "Step by Step" option from the menu on the left.

Step 2

Click the "Add new" option.

Step 3

Add the title for your guide.

Step 4

Add the body content for your guide,

This area should contain your objective or background information.

Step 5

Add a featured image if you like by click the "set featured image" link and selected an image.

This is an optional step. This image will show along side the editor body content added in step 4.

Step 6

Scroll down to the "Manage Guide Steps" section and complete the "Step" and "Body" sections. The "Note" and "Image" items are optional.

You can use notes for additional information that the user may find useful.

Step 7

Click the "+Add Step" option to add an additional step.

Step 8

Click the "Publish" button when you are finished creating steps.

Step 9

Scroll down to the bottom of your steps and copy the shortcode.

You can click preview to see what the guide should look like.

Step 10

Create a new post of page with a title of your choice any body content that you like and paste your shortcode inside of the body area.

This will render a new post that contains your guide with its steps.

Step 11

Your page or post should now completed containing your guide with it's steps.


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